Resolute Resolutions, Are They? | The Roman Theory

How many of us really have fulfilled all the past years resolutions? Not me, how much ever hard I tried to. I am sure most of us are experts in not holding on to our new year promises. According to a study, less than 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions each year!! Not so resolute after all, isn’t it?

less than 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions each year
As rustic as it gets. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Few days ago, I saw a meme doing rounds on social media that said “I don’t like resolutions. It implies imperfection“. I totally related to this. Hands down. However, ritualistically and more so due to peer pressure, I did make some resolutions this year. Yesterday night, I added a final one to my already long list of resolutions. I bet many more final resolutions are yet to come, after all January is not over, right?

Weight loss is a common New Year's resolution
Weight loss is a common New Year’s resolution. Photo by Liam Johnson on Unsplash

New Year Resolutions – The Roman Theory

Did you know??!!

Did you know, the Romans began each year by making promises to their god Janus, the god of new beginnings, of transitions, of passage, of duality. Janus is known to have two faces: one that looks at the past and the other, at the future. Some historians believe that the month of January got it’s name from the Roman God of new beginnings, Janus.

It’s time to resolve, be resolute. Happy New Year. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The Right Moment for New Year Resolutions

Between 31st December and 1st January, you are at a place where you can have a better look at the past and the future. It is like you have equal quantities of both to compare, understand or retrospect. Hence this tiny little space when an year is about to end and another is about to start, is considered the perfect time for making resolutions.

Well then, what are you waiting for? Make some New Year’s resolutions. It is okay if the perfect time window is over. Just don’t tell anyone.


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