Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

Have you heard Marija’s song dance like nobody’s watching?
It is my recent favorite.
It had me thinking, left and right.

Dance like nobody's watching. Groove till your heart fills with joy and you are no more coy.
Dance like nobody’s watching. Groove till your heart fills with joy and you are no more coy. Photo by George Bohunicky on Unsplash

Have you ever danced or done something like nobody’s watching?
May be after a few pegs down?
or when the woofer plays your favorite song at the loudest sound?
In the Zumba class with a good instructor?
or when you meet your old friends long, long after?

I have totally done it, hands down.

But, what does it actually mean to dance like not being seen?
It means to not think what others might think,
to not allow other’s judgement let you sink.

It also means to break the cage,
no matter what age,
and groove till your heart fills with joy,
and you are no more coy.

And let me tell you,
I am not talking only about dance,
It’s about every other chance,
that has you look out for any awkward gesture or glance.

As babies, we followed our hearts,
We babbled, we danced
and cared not when people watched.

Then why, why have we stopped doing it now?
Look! what has it done to us and how.

As adults, before taking a simple risk,
thinking what others might think,
we start to internally resist,
the very idea of taking risk.

Needless to say, we lose all the fun,
when all our uncommon desires we start to shun.

Let’s all pledge today,
to make an effort so that one day,
we don’t hesitate to let loose.
and slowly, bring back our lost hues.

Speaking of which, isn’t speaking also a simple risk,
that we, many-a-times, hesitate to take?
and in our minds, allow the thought “what people will say?” to take shape?
and rather try to escape?

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