My Father Made Me World-Ready Sum by Sum, Verse by Verse

Can we ever actually define “Father”? My Father is much much more.
Can we ever actually define “Father”? My Father is much much more. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

My Father is a great teacher. Clichéd? Yes. Reminds me of a childhood essay? Yes. But it’s true. “Teacher” is right on top of all the roles he has played in my life. He taught me my school lessons at home. He would scold me if i did a math sum wrong, he would explain patiently difference between mass and weight, how profit and loss works, how Force = Mass x Acceleration, how to write an essay! He would talk about how a person should be honest with his work. Since a very young age, i knew that one should always be “Optimistic” even before knowing how to pronounce it. He taught me how to give others the respect they deserve. Yes, my father made me world-ready sum by sum, verse by verse.

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