India’s Superlatives | World’s 10 Tallest, Largest, Highest in India
India, the most populous democracy in the world, is home to many of the world’s best. Here is an interesting list of world’s 10...

Rhythm Away
Resolute Resolutions, Are They? | The Roman Theory
How many of us really have fulfilled all the past years resolutions? Not me, how much ever hard I tried to. I am sure...

When arrives Winter in Germany | Nuremberg in Winter
After the colorful spring comes and warms our heart, it’s the turn of the cold, monochromic winters. The cold season paints Germany in hues...

Winter Vegetables and Fruits in Germany
If you are planning to move to Germany during the winter, no worries at all. A wide variety of greens, fresh vegetables, berries and...

Rhythm Away
Start Over | A New Beginning
Yet another year has come to an end,Already, new promises and hopes,this new year has started to send. For some, the past year might...

Nürnberg Glühwein | Wine Mug Pfand | St. Lorenz Treff
The charm of Christmas markets is such that you lose track of time. One can spend endless hours here, munching, sipping, shopping or simply,...

Gebrannte Mandeln | Bavarian Nuts | Candied, Roasted Nuts
When you are in a German festive fair and a sugary, nutty aroma catches your attention, have no doubts. It’s Gebrannte Mandeln calling you!...

Bunter Teller – The Colorful Plate of Christmas Goodies
When it’s snowing outside and the smell of freshly baked cookies is wafting in the house, you realize Bunter Teller is on the way....

Rhythm Away
Fleeting Life and Slipping Sands of Time
I am strong, brave, and broken, all at the same time.At this juncture of life, nothing seems to go right.I am sad, I am...

Rhythm Away
Story of a Black Swan
A Roman poet named Juneval in the 2nd century had been looking for something describing which he said “a prodigy, as rare upon the...