COVID-19 in Beijing: Beijing’s Fengtai district is currently in ‘wartime emergency’ after novel corona virus, responsible for COVID-19, was detected on salmon chopping boards in Xinfadi wholesale market.
Story so far…
- 2 people working at a meat research centre, who had recently visited Xinfadi market, tested positive on Friday, 12th June
- Officials cordoned off Xinfadi market at 3 AM on Saturday, 13th June
- Supermarkets in Beijing removed salmon from their shelves overnight
- So far, 6 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Beijing though none of them were symptomatic
- People who tested positive might have caught the virus at the market or might have come in contact with infected people.
Measures to curb spread of COVID-19 in Beijing
- Inter-provincial tourism has been banned for now
- 11 areas in the vicinity of Xinfadi market have been locked down
- Close to 10,000 people at the market to take novel corona virus tests
- Schools to remain shut
Scare of a fresh wave of COVID-19
Since April, China has been reporting negligible cases of COVID-19. Discovery of the novel corona virus at Beijing’s Xinfadi Market definitely has put China at the risk of a second wave of the fatal pandemic. Meanwhile, rest of the word has still not come to terms with the fatalities of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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